“We’re Debt Free!”

If you’ve ever listened to Dave Ramsey on the radio, you’ll notice he frequently has folks on the show who have just paid all of their bills. On the count of three, they shout in unison, “We’re debt free!” It’s an incredible accomplishment. And now, because of God’s amazing provision in answer to prayer, we’re able to say the same thing as a church.

It seems like only yesterday that we built our first building here on 8.5 acres in North Durham. Now, scarcely nine years later, God has enabled us to COMPLETELY RETIRE OUR MORTGAGE.  We’ve also been able to do this while helping plant other churches. We’ve been blessed, and we are grateful!

Having no building debt is HUGE. This enables us to continue to develop new ways for reaching others with the life-transforming message of Jesus–like we’re now doing through our new children’s ministry, which is growing!

A church is so much more than a building–and not having a mortgage helps us stay focused on the things that matter most. God answers prayer, and we praise Him for His faithfulness! Please pray He will continue to bless us as we take new steps in faithfulness!




