So Much to Be Thankful For!

God continues to do beautiful things at Peace. We’re continuing our two-year read through God’s Word (the sermons are drawn from that each Sunday), and the love that our members have for each other is lived out in real and practical ways. New occasions to experience God’s power through prayer continue to arise. Opportunities to serve others in the community also continue, and God has provided abundantly for our needs. Best of all, Jesus is quietly changing lives with His love.

We have so much to be thankful for, and we would love for you to be a part of it. There are two ways to visit us–either in person or online. Online, we use a Zoom format. You can attend Sunday worship at 11:00 AM (adult Sunday school is at 9:30) or our prayer meetings Sunday at 7:00 PM (just email us and ask for a link). Or if you’d like to check us out before Sunday, the warm weather is also a great time to walk our prayer path through the woods on our 8 acres, or to take a moment in our prayer garden. Or just bring the kids and let them hang out at the playground, anytime.

We are blessed. And our blessings only get better when we give them away. Come and see.



